By seriouslywtf - 28/04/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my daughter walked in on me taking a shower. She said, "Hey, yours is the same size as Dylan's!" My daughter has seen Dylan's penis, which apparently is the same size as mine. My daughter and Dylan are 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 364
You deserved it 9 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know what's worse; the fact that your penis is the same size as a seven year old's or that your daughter already saw a boy's penis at the age of seven, all i know is FYL

That sucks, but maybe this boy has a really huge one and it's not so bad? And first, wow


Awww, cute. Twins ? LOL. Kinda sucks o.o

Julsa 0

If I were you I would be more concerned that your seven year old child has seen Dylan's penis, then I would be about the size of your penis.

graciegirl 0

hey, uh, 52, do you happen to be a pedophile? just wondering...

Lol, your like must be a bundle of happiness and joy.

...uhh you need to talk to your daughter... shes only freken 7!

Hahaha! ^^ seven yr olds do know what a penis is number 133. their not stupid. and wowww either ure son is mature or your stumped

SilenceOfTheLamb 0

your son have a good future mate.