Mr Sensitivity

By Anonymous - 08/09/2020 14:01 - United States - Waterville

Today, I spent four hours at the ER because I had a miscarriage. The father of the baby was being sweet and supportive while I was there and checked in on me after I got home. Six hours after we found out we lost our baby, he asked for a threesome. He still doesn’t understand what’s wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 669
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And I hope he's your ex-boyfriend and you're smart enough to get him out of your life. I'm so sorry for your loss, I had a miscarriage so I know how much it hurts. Big hugs to you.

You should have said, "Sure, if I get to pick the other guy." Case closed.


And I hope he's your ex-boyfriend and you're smart enough to get him out of your life. I'm so sorry for your loss, I had a miscarriage so I know how much it hurts. Big hugs to you.

You should have said, "Sure, if I get to pick the other guy." Case closed.

Yummi_913 18

If that's how he behaves when you're going through such a giant loss, he would have been an absolute shit parent. Please kick his ass to the curb. You deserve so much more than that, and so does whatever family you hope to have. I hope you have a good recovery physically, mentally, and emotionally.

voodoo66 5

well sounds like he was trying to cheer u up... a keeper! 😉

Looks like he didn't pay attention in biology or sex ed. He should have his license to procreate revoked.

coius 23

Trust me, they dont cover miscarriage in all sex eds. Mine didnt at all.

genuinegoodguy 9

Total charmer. Make sure you keep him. Or not.

Sounds like he has a case of either narcissism or sciopathy. That’s a very off. Sorry for your loss.

bl3ur0z3 17

Well, you say the father of the baby instead of your bf or husband so it sounds like you're done with him, which means you know exactly what kind of d-bag you almost had a baby with. I know the pain of a miscarriage, but the silver lining is not coparenting with this guy.

Mathalamus 24

Maybe it’s his way of coping....?

I’d like to apologize on behalf of the men society.