By Anonymous - 29/06/2016 14:42 - United States - Pardeeville

Today, my dad might be dead. I'm basing this solely on the fact that he hasn't called recently to verbally abuse me as he often does. He constantly beat me as a child, yet now I'm kind of worried for the piece of shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 312
You deserved it 1 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kr1ket927 15

It sucks having a good heart. We even worry about the assholes. FYL OP =/

So pick up the phone and call if you are that worried about him... It may not change his behavior, but it might settle your fears.


Sorry to hear this OP, we are here for help and guidance of its needed. Good luck, and **** him.

greatkate2020 14

Why in the world would you let someone continue to verbally abuse you?

This is ironic because i have the same situation

That's not ironic, that's a coincidence.

M3DO 24

hit the "you deserved it" button cause you deserve to have such a toxic person out of your life

Call the cops, tell them you haven't heard from your dad in a few days and your worried, and could they send someone to check on him? That way you don't have to talk to him and you get the peace of mind.

Anyone who does this to a child is garbage. Don't worry about him. I'm sorry you had to endure this.

Usually, people treated that way throughout their life act that way themselves, but obviously not you. I suggest go see him before he goes, and tell him what a douche he is. Bring a bodyguard just in case.

I might try to take the opportunity to "practice" living a life free of his abuse, teaching yourself to let go of him.