By Mojo_Jojo - 13/06/2009 11:01 - China

Today, my crush came to my house to watch movies with me. We were sitting on the couch when he turned to me and said that he had had a dream about me the night before. I moved in to kiss him, thinking he liked me. He then added that I had fallen of a cliff and he had pissed himself laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 006
You deserved it 6 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know where you stand now. One of my crushes told me he had a dream I got hit in the face with a soccer ball by one of his other girl friends. She ended up being his girlfriend a month later. It's better be safe, and wait for him to kiss you, I think.

jncwmnd 0

thats why you ask what the dream was about first before just assuming YDI


MsMegaroo 0

Hmmm...he probs saw that u wer bout to kiss him so he added in that nice tidbit bout wat his dream was aboutso that u wud see that he had no interest in you. He was probs lying but at least he saved u from that embarrassing head bump, wen a guy is dodging a kiss. I giv him probs for thinking on his feet tho...

made your move wayyyy too soon. next time wait for him to go for it.

bosco_kk 0

Nothing to complain about. I have the weirdest dreams ever, where everyone I love dies and I end up laughing or doing something random.

brrrx 0

Ah, that's awkward. But from his comment I'd guess you guys are about 13 or so, and still in that phase where a lot of times you pretend to hate your crush when you actually like them. There could still be hope. Except that he seems pretty immature. Not the greatest catch I would think.

Just so people know, this is an old joke that should have gone "I had a wet dream about you last night" (alluding to a sexual dream) "oh yeah?" "yeah, I dreamed you died and I pissed myself laughing" It's harsh yeah but the guy was just messing around, I doubt he meant to actually cause offence

FBIWarning 0

w/e it's a dream get the **** over it, i'd laugh too

ziqi92 0

i'm pretty sure he's just messing around with you cuz not a lot of guys like to be open and say "i think i love you" right to a girls face. we're afraid of upsetting you for our moving on too quickly, u know what i'm saying? i have dreams like these too you know...

lifesux007 0

Haaha ur name is from powerpuff girls!! I am mojojojo!! Muahahahaha

lol, you should look up online or in a dream dictionary about dreams about falling/seeing other people fall in a dream. Could mean something else! Though I'm a believer in all that dream stuff anyway, you might not ;) Also, guys like joking around..and a thing called SOH - I would've just laughed it off xD You have to is kinda funny :P Oh and sometimes, when you like someone you're not necessarily always nice to them at first, you kinda do that whole thing of being mean and joking with them and stuff when you're younger. At least thats my experience with it.