By drooler - 06/08/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my new boyfriend. I got tired so I thought it would be cute to fall asleep on him. He woke me up and said "You got me wet" Thinking it was a joke, I said smoothly, "That's what she said" He replied "No really." I looked down, I'd drooled all over his shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 310
You deserved it 40 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

f_my_life88 0

Ew.. maybe next time use a bib??

dotVillain 1

A bib? To sleep? ._. I don't understand how this is a FML at all. You drooled while you slept on your boyfriend. You were comfortable and tired. Everybody drools in these types of situations. Grow up if you think your life is ruined because you drooled on your boyfriend.


YDI FOR SLUTTING YOURSELF OUT TO A NEW BOYFRIEND YOU PIECE OF SHIT **** ***** ASSWIPE WOMAN GOD ATLEAST SUCK HIS DICK IF YOUR GOING TO DO THIS. as you can see, i messed up the your/you're there, and of course, all caps. i appreciate your time and would like to know what you think of my post

f_my_life88 0

your comments are all the same nonsense that REALLY is NOT funny (#6) Maybe you should stop now... and stop replying to all the number ones so you can get yor comment on the top! Seriously get a life!

YDI for thinking that using a sexual joke made by 11 year olds makes you smooth. ******* pervert. God hates you. *N00b troll power LP95*

YDI for saying "That's what she said". Grow the **** up.

Kiwi_Splash 0

Stole the words right outta my mouth :)

I like LP95's style. Two thumb up. and YDI for being a girl and saying thats what she said. It is simply not funny when girls say it.

How romantic. A drooling ****. That would make a straight guy turn gay.

Imawhalerider 0

"well while its lubricated, and its your fault. . "

f_my_life88 0

Ew.. maybe next time use a bib??

dotVillain 1

A bib? To sleep? ._. I don't understand how this is a FML at all. You drooled while you slept on your boyfriend. You were comfortable and tired. Everybody drools in these types of situations. Grow up if you think your life is ruined because you drooled on your boyfriend.

hahaha i honestly wudnt mind if my GF drooled when she was sleeping on me... i think it wud be cute

perryscherry 0

yea, i agree... i'd find that cute... kinda makes me think the bf is a douche... -_-

karmaSUCKS321453 0

or a typical schoolgirl who is blowing things out of proportion

if it were me and i was bi i wouldve said 'i got yer mom all wet!' YDI

katexgg 0

Your boyfriend's a dick. Mine thinks it's adorable if I drool a bit. Unless you drooled like a dog. Then I concur with his statement.

I'm a guy, and unless it was my favourite shirt and/or a LOT of drool, I would think it's kinda cute too.

Wilson77 0

If it was me, I would of just turned to her and kissed her. Its just drool. For those of you being assholes, grow up.

OP, the drool is ok, couda been anyone, no worries but guys... no, it is not sexy

what a dick most guys think it's cute when their girlfriend drools on them, i know mine did :)

Most guys think it's "cute" when their girl drools on them? What kind of retarded losers are you dating? Awwww look at all these cutesy wootsey, gooey wooey bodily fluids that have been spewed out my significant others' orifices and onto me, sigh I think I'm in love.

#10, I wouldn't call him a 'dick'. For one, in the FML it doesn't sound like the dude was very upset about it. And for another thing, who SERIOUSLY wants to be drooled all over, especially when they just started dating?

BaGu_fml 0

No. They don't. Well, I don't know which guys you're dating. I would not advise you girls to drool on your new boyfriends.

Lexia_fml 0

There's a few guys who like to be shit on, and a few girls who probably won't mind drool. You can't assign kinks by gender, they're everywhere.

live1laugh2love3 0

they're probably swapping spit whats the big deal with drool?

suckmysarcasm 10

aww..thats cute. ^^ if i had a gf at the moment id let her sleep on my lap and i wouldnt mind the drool. definately would be thinking more along the lines of "aww..she's so cute while she sleeps." even if she was a new gf.

At least he didn't wake you up by trying to stick his dick in your mouth to stop the drooling. See, there are always positives!

americayay 0

You'd think you would know about a drooling habit and not risk it. Sucky time to discover it, though.

#11, think, is that really a positive?

Considering some of the FMLs we've seen in the past, I'd say it is, yeah. XD

shaZamy 0

YDI for saying that's what she said