Dating apps are hopeless

By Anonymous - 28/02/2023 04:00 - Norway

Today, after seeing that my Tinder profile has been stagnant for a VERY long time, I became desperate enough to purchase a 100x boost. The result? One of the girls unmatched me. Not that it matters. All my matches have yet to answer back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 612
You deserved it 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cpguru24 16

unfortunately most dating apps prey on lonely and desperate people. Good luck.

tiptoppc 19

Not too many Cheeto dust sculpturer groups out there, I’m assuming, but plenty of Warcraft Raiders medically fused to armchairs do.


cpguru24 16

unfortunately most dating apps prey on lonely and desperate people. Good luck.

try joining a group of people who share your interests. you'll have better luck

tiptoppc 19

Not too many Cheeto dust sculpturer groups out there, I’m assuming, but plenty of Warcraft Raiders medically fused to armchairs do.