By fuck YOLO - 03/04/2013 05:20 - United States - Ramona

Today, my cousin is visiting from Oklahoma. He can't go a minute without saying "YOLO" or "Swag". He's going to be here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 336
You deserved it 3 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chrisp87 11

I'm assuming your cousin is a teenager who probably plays Xbox and screams ( Come at me bro )

Does he use hash tags unnecessarily too? #swag#yolo#420#FML #bouttogetburied


I am sorry, not everyone from Oklahoma are complete and utter idiots. Don't lose hope, and slap the fool.

I'd hit him in the head with a metal bat and be like "YOLO you hipster ******"

Next time he says YOLO, tell him STFU!

Kill it. Kill it with fire! ...Not literally. But I'd strangle myself after the first 5 minutes of being in the same general area.

lottsogreen 3

Lol my cousin is visiting for a week too. It's horrible.

Maybe you can find him a nice fast food joint to work at

162 - Because there's this fantastic new thing called "Google". You should try it

rtm13228 7

I'm from Oklahoma. Please don't send him back here. We don't want him.

Every time your cousin says either of those words. Balltap.

Oh my god, I hope you survived! :o I know I probably couldn't :/