By kids are meh - 16/05/2016 21:47 - United States - Ponchatoula

Today, I told my cousin it would be okay if he stayed the weekend after a fight with his wife. He didn't tell me he was bringing his 4 kids. They've watched funny cat videos for hours and they laugh like maniacs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 129
You deserved it 1 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheekyRaccoon 27

It could be worse. Imagine if they were running around knocking things down or summoning a demon named Randy and laughing manically.

If you can't beat them, join them; cat videos aren't so bad? Besides its good family time


If you can't beat them, join them; cat videos aren't so bad? Besides its good family time

I'm sorry, maybe show them depressing videos?

I don't get why the man always has to be the one to leave the house. I'm not being sexist or anything, but just wondering.

#3 Maybe because he did something wrong or the wife is abusive/doesn't want him or the kids around? Not hard to figure out..

#3, men are definitely not always the one to leave the house -- and this was stated as for the weekend, not permanently. Quite frequently it's whoever wants out who goes, or sometimes whoever has somewhere else to go immediately. It's often easier to leave than to try to kick someone else out of a place.

I feel like it would've been easier for the wife to just leave the house and let everyone else stay at home.

Allornone 35

it's not always the man. when my sister and her husband separated, he basically kicked her (and their six month old) out. they eventually reconciled, and even had another kid, but still, at the time, she was the one forced to leave (and the initial separation was both their faults, not just hers).

CheekyRaccoon 27

It could be worse. Imagine if they were running around knocking things down or summoning a demon named Randy and laughing manically.

mds9986 24

Who told you about Randy? You know too much...

CheekyRaccoon 27

It was through some chick named Minx. Hey what's with that toy gun? It's not a toy? I don't beli....

crazyindynathan 13

"This is the opposite of a problem! *rides dolphin*"

If it's really that bat, it's your house. Tell them to quiet down or go where they can't be heard.

At the end of the day, it's your house. You probably shouldn't kick 4 kids out onto the street but you can put in place some rules for them. Google "polite spine".