
By Anonymous - 01/07/2022 12:00

Today, I bumped into a former teacher, one who spent many many weeks helping me get into university so I could become a psychologist. I had to see the look of disappointment on her face when I told her I got pregnant freshman year, and became a stay at home mom with a part time job at Tesco’s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384
You deserved it 1 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you still want to go back and become a psychologist? There are ways to make that happen later in life.

kitten79TX 5

Go back to school and finish your degree. I finished my degree as a single mom to 4 kids and am now in law school. You don't HAVE to piss away your educational dreams. However, if you're happy with your currebt situation, that's ok too! But if you're not, then go finish. Don't use "But I'm a mom" as an excuse!


Do you still want to go back and become a psychologist? There are ways to make that happen later in life.

Jon Tessler 14

you should have told her "I'm happy with my life, and I don't care if you aren't"

kitten79TX 5

Given this is an FML, I'm guessing O.P. ISN'T happy with her life.

kitten79TX 5

Go back to school and finish your degree. I finished my degree as a single mom to 4 kids and am now in law school. You don't HAVE to piss away your educational dreams. However, if you're happy with your currebt situation, that's ok too! But if you're not, then go finish. Don't use "But I'm a mom" as an excuse!

If you WANT to be a stay-at-home mom, f*ck what she thinks--raising a kid is just as important as a fancy career. It's your choice what you do with your life, and what you're doing is part of keeping society running.