By Anonymous - 20/04/2011 02:21 - United States

Today, my cat took a shit in my toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 600
You deserved it 8 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikejunior88 4

did you discover this before or after you made your toast?

scrape out the shit and use it as Nutella on your toast. tasty solution ;)


makenna2011 6

lol gotta love 'em, right? haha

bubblekitty- You look like someone I know.. Oh well, I love your eyes :)

Learn to put the toaster in a cupboard. If your cat opens cupboards... your screwed.

My cat learned to open doors AND cupboards! LOL Thank God he never shat on a toaster when he was alive! I would have killed him!

Mewzakuro240 0

Wait. What?! Not only have I never experienced that, but the picture that goes through my head is a cat with a newspaper, sitting on the toaster like it's a toilet, and halfway through millions of loud, unhealthy noises coming from his rectum, he looks up from the paper and asks "Do you mind?" Seriously.... I must be on something. Haha,

Dudelike89 8

Pass some of that stuff over here!

Mewzakuro240 0

I posted that last night, totally didn't mean for it to be 4/20. Kickass!

ganja_warrior88 0
litlpetlvr 0

HAHAHAH. That's incredibly disgusting. But now you have an excuse to go buy a toaster oven! :]

that's some funny shit hahaha -.-' sorry I feel bad.

notsocrazee 0