By justme - 09/02/2010 18:20 - France

Today, I was about to take a crap when the smoke alarm went off. I ran out of the bathroom and tried to run downstairs. I tripped and shit on myself. The alarm had gone off cause my kid put my wallet in the toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 639
You deserved it 5 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saranottelling 7

I can already see almost every comments, "Why does your kid have access to your wallet and the toaster? YDI!!!!!111." Meanwhile, the OP's kid, a 35 year old, is eating Pop Tarts and playing Tetris inthe basement. He's thinking on doing something with his girlfriend later, Bertha. Bertha is a blow-up doll. He hides his parents medications so they can't kick him out. He also starves them by eating all the food they have. OP, f your life indeed.


killabeast1 0
sidiouz 0

haha not onl did u shit on yourself, ur money did too lol

hahahahaha i almost peed on myself laughing at this one...considering wat sum ppl been puttin up thts pretty much fml worthy lol

madonnaLiz 0

hahahahahahaah omg that is too funny:)

I laughed out loud at this...ur kid seriously put ur wallet in the toaster? haha kids these days *tsk tsk*...gotta love em.

pongmaster 0

holy dog biscuit that's a triple suck

yeah....cause they have toasters in public bathrooms :P lol

Lancerman7449 0

YDI for having such a stupid kid

poptarts are amazing i agree whoever said that

No joke, exactly the way I was gonna put it

epound28 0

Let's be glad it wasnt in the other bathroom with that other FML dude who was crawling in the dark and tripped and shit on himself. Jesus christ, this site shows some serious low-IQ'ers here. You may be the product of wincest. YDI OP.

Mmm.... what's cookin... oh! my favourite! Toasted wallet with a bit of melted plastic (credit card, ID, etc.) on it!

YDI for leaving your wallet within reach of your kid.

Averizzle 0

not lke the kid is gonna kill him with it or spend his money

more to the point he left his kid to a toster

mmastermetallica 0

Why do a lot of the fmls come from Nord de Calais?????

If you don't put a location, I think fml is based there so the just put that down.

michael666 7

really? your stupid bro, kids can get into whatever they want when they want to, I climbed a closet shelf when I was 4 and found my grandpa's .357 loaded.

hahahahhahaha that sucks but its reallly funny!

saranottelling 7

I can already see almost every comments, "Why does your kid have access to your wallet and the toaster? YDI!!!!!111." Meanwhile, the OP's kid, a 35 year old, is eating Pop Tarts and playing Tetris inthe basement. He's thinking on doing something with his girlfriend later, Bertha. Bertha is a blow-up doll. He hides his parents medications so they can't kick him out. He also starves them by eating all the food they have. OP, f your life indeed.

Jrook 0

i don't think you can insult this guy... he already shit himself, and most likely was injured during the fall.

daydreamstar 7