By lizzy1843 - 26/01/2011 14:48 - United States

Today, my cat pissed in my zen garden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 941
You deserved it 23 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Congratulations! You have now been enlightened!

Exactly my thoughts. "Who pissed in your Zen garden?" officially replaces the one about cornflakes from now on.

when cats see a patch of rocks, they think "litter box".

RKD 23

HAHAHAHAHAH op, don' take yourself so seriously, that is what cats do!

Cats are zen grandmasters from birth. Which means if it pisses in your zen garden and you get worked up about it, there's still something wrong with your zen. You failed the test. The cat's name is not Mr. Miyagi by any chance?

PEOPLE! it may have been another persons cat and it might not have been their fault so shutup about the ydi

I'm pretty sure the expression "my cat" clears up the whole "may have been another person's cat" argument.

TimmyLuvzEmy 0

FYL for just having a zen garden

Steve95401 49

Cats peeing in your zen garden is bad karma. I hope the cat didn't rearrange the gravel and mess up the Feng Shui. ;-)