There's gold to be mined

By ChristmasIsRuined - 20/12/2022 00:00

Today, I found out that my husband has been seeing another woman and my 16 year-old daughter once caught them while I was at work. She didn’t tell me about it because she was enjoying all the hush gifts, shoes, purses, and the payments for her BMW X3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 284
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing very good can be said about this situation. It’s extremely unfair to children young or old to make them a co-conspirator with one parent against another… I am guessing that when the divorce comes, daughter will probably wind up living with Dad instead of Mom as she is now used to being bought off by Dad - At her age Daughter can choose which parent she lives with. Some years ago my brother was having an affair and at one point he accidentally forwarded a text conversation between him and his lover to his teenage daughter. In that case daughter forwarded it to her mom - and then the fireworks started ending in divorce and a breakdown at that time in the relationship between daughter and her Dad. My brother told me about this. Anyway it caused a lot of hurt feelings. I guess you could say that my niece was less opportunistic than OP’s daughter or OP’s probably soon to be ex was more persuasive in buying off daughter. The end points are probably going to be the same for the parents of daughter - divorce with all the drama and costs…

At least you raised your daughter right! She knows how to use leverage. Most kids today don't have a clue.


At least you raised your daughter right! She knows how to use leverage. Most kids today don't have a clue.

Nothing very good can be said about this situation. It’s extremely unfair to children young or old to make them a co-conspirator with one parent against another… I am guessing that when the divorce comes, daughter will probably wind up living with Dad instead of Mom as she is now used to being bought off by Dad - At her age Daughter can choose which parent she lives with. Some years ago my brother was having an affair and at one point he accidentally forwarded a text conversation between him and his lover to his teenage daughter. In that case daughter forwarded it to her mom - and then the fireworks started ending in divorce and a breakdown at that time in the relationship between daughter and her Dad. My brother told me about this. Anyway it caused a lot of hurt feelings. I guess you could say that my niece was less opportunistic than OP’s daughter or OP’s probably soon to be ex was more persuasive in buying off daughter. The end points are probably going to be the same for the parents of daughter - divorce with all the drama and costs…

ODBeefalo 10

it's shitty to use teenagers (especially your own childs) pressure to fit in as a way to buy them off. at 16 the only thing that matters is having the things everyone else does to fit in. if you don't have fancy clothes or access to a decent car, you can very quickly be the outcast... at least that is how high-school years feel. it's like offering to pay a mortgage you're working overtime to keep paying, they know you feel like you need to say yes and it takes a lot to keep yourself clean of the situation.

It's not your daughter's job to tattle on her dad. She's allowed to keep quiet, because that's between YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND, not her, and if her dad wants to 'bribe' her, fine--kids need to be spoiled a bit. Let her enjoy the gifts.

As long as she remembers that when it happens to her and she goes crying to her

Not only spoiling a kid is not a good solution, but even more in that situation where you teach them to bribe other people and to lie to their other parent.

It stopped being JUST between OP and her husband when he started putting his Tab A into someone else's Slot B. And the daughter's so spoiled she's RANCID...

Blobby McGee 5

16 year old with an X3? ya, you're part of the problem