By no - 08/12/2016 14:37 - United States - New York

Today, my cat jumped out a fourth-story window when I went to pet her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 881
You deserved it 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I lived that high up and wanted my windows open, I would at least put a screen up or something to keep my cats from jumping out the window. Hopefully your cat is okay OP, but I would consider getting something so you can have your windows open and keep your cat safe.

Honestly, if you live on the fourth story, I wouldn't even think you should have windows open, unless you can do it without the possibility of your cat going through.


mariri9206 32

Honestly, if you live on the fourth story, I wouldn't even think you should have windows open, unless you can do it without the possibility of your cat going through.

Did the cat land on its feet? Did it uses one of its 9 lives? Or was that it's last one? We need more info OP!

If I lived that high up and wanted my windows open, I would at least put a screen up or something to keep my cats from jumping out the window. Hopefully your cat is okay OP, but I would consider getting something so you can have your windows open and keep your cat safe.

don't worry, she can do it eight more times

but then the parrot would just fly out of the window never to be seen again.

Exactly, it wouldn't plummet to its death.

poolenchantress 5

Not necessarily. cats have survived jumps as far as 6 stories. A short fall is actually worse than a bit longer one because they don't have time to rotate their bodies. I want to know! Crossing my fingers.