By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada

Today, my cat had the bright idea of giving birth in the dryer, on top of all my new white towels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually it sounds like the cat DID have a pretty good idea and found a soft, warm place to do it. Linens can be cleaned. At least it wasn't your couch or carpet. Congrats on the new kittens!

At least they're white so you can bleach the hell out of them!


new towels, new little lives...idk maybe your cat had the right idea?

at least she was snug & warm. congrats OP. hope the kittens are doing well :-)

She was just making it easier on you. It's not her fault she can't tell the difference between clean laundry and dirty laundry, or the difference between the washer or the dryer. In her mind she went out of her way to dirty up the dirty towels that were already in the washer! Come on op, she's a cat. Gotta let the little things slide.

Should've desexed her, then you'd still have nice white towels and won't be adding to the cat epidemic

The cat epidemic is the best kinda epidemic there is. Now, a birdemic on the other hand...

Shame on you for not getting your cat fixed. You're so irresponsible. Congratulations on contributing to murder.

Apparently the circle of life is a crime now

Nissi 17

That's a little dramatic. He could be a breeder, or maybe she was already pregnant when he found her. One of our four cats was a neighborhood stray and when we noticed she was looking pregnant we took her in and she had a small litter in our kitchen. The kittens didn't get put down, or thrown out. Two of them are living happy lives with our close family friends and the third is with us and the mother. Not every kitten is destined to die, calm down there.

Today my daughter gave birth to my grandson, all over my new carpet! Can you believe that woman? How inconsiderate!

YDI for two reasons: First, spay your cat. There's no reason not to. And two, if you have a cat, you need to keep the dryer closed unless you're loading or unloading it. Pregnant or not, a cat is going to see a dryer as being an enticing, warm, safe, and cozy spot, especially if you've left clothing in it. Cats (and dogs) who are about to give birth are going to look for as safe and comfortable spot to do it.

Malaki691 15

Maybe you shouldn't leave the door open...