By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada

Today, my cat had the bright idea of giving birth in the dryer, on top of all my new white towels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually it sounds like the cat DID have a pretty good idea and found a soft, warm place to do it. Linens can be cleaned. At least it wasn't your couch or carpet. Congrats on the new kittens!

At least they're white so you can bleach the hell out of them!


one word: bleach. good luck & congrats on all the new cute little kitties! :)

bamagirl850 7

You're a woman you should know how to get blood out.

Ok I am not going to say the does not suck but at the same time, your cat is very smart to pick that dryer and a big soft pile of towels in an enclosed space.

bleedingglitter 24

So get your damn animal fixed and stop bitching about the consequences of your neglectful ownership?

kittykat1501 31

Awwwwwwwww... Prob adorable!

Spay your cat and you won't have that problem

YDI. You wouldn't have this problem if you had spayed your cat instead of contributing to the overpopulation and the thousands who are euthanized in shelters everyday. Not to mention your towels would currently not be ruined.

well should have castrated her, there are more than enough ill and hungry cats on the street >:-/

OP, please make sure to keep your dryer closed when not using it. Obviously your cat likes the dryer and it could end very badly if you don't realize that she's in there when you start it. You could've lost your cat and her newborn kittens, which would've been a much worse FML then a few dirty, white towels. Also, you might want to consider spaying your cat if you don't want her to have any more kittens. I hope you can find a good home for all those kitties or can take care of yourself. Congrats to you and your cat for the new fluffy bundles of joy.