By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada

Today, my cat had the bright idea of giving birth in the dryer, on top of all my new white towels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually it sounds like the cat DID have a pretty good idea and found a soft, warm place to do it. Linens can be cleaned. At least it wasn't your couch or carpet. Congrats on the new kittens!

At least they're white so you can bleach the hell out of them!


well its better than having them on your white carpet...(happened to me once)

A dryer full of fluffy kittens and warm towels sounds amazing

Well you shouldn't have left the door open on the washing machine

I don't think it matters if the washing machine door was open seeing as this FML is about the dryer...

Not really an FML though...... Just sayin'

Isa_fml 20

Why was the dryer door open, and why the hell wasn't your cat spayed?

Perhaps they aren't irresponsible breeders and had homes lined up for all, if not most, of the kittens? As for the dryer door being open, I open the door and let the items cool down before taking them out. Sometimes, people get sidetracked and forget.

Maybe because some people don't spay/neuter because they want to have the kittens/puppies...they keep them, sell them, give them to family/'s not mandatory for an animal to be sterilized.

xxreikoxx 31

#41, you might want to do your legal research on Canadian laws. Not that I'm familiar with their animal breeding and fix laws, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did have similar laws to where I live.

Who leaves their dryer door open long enough their cat can go into labour and climb in? What if you had shut the door on her? Google cat in dryer and you'll never do that again.

and you left your dryer door open why? ydi