By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada

Today, my cat had the bright idea of giving birth in the dryer, on top of all my new white towels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually it sounds like the cat DID have a pretty good idea and found a soft, warm place to do it. Linens can be cleaned. At least it wasn't your couch or carpet. Congrats on the new kittens!

At least they're white so you can bleach the hell out of them!


At least the baby kitties were warm when they were born :D just bleach your towels.

90s_chick 17

For life's bleachable moments. :3

Today, you finally had the bright idea of spaying your cat?

brendejafulable 41

Soft, cozy, and warm. That's where I would give birth too.

blackvyper 8

Warm fuzzy place to give birth... Great thinking kitty!! Can't say I am sorry about the towels. They're towels, they get dirty... they're white, you use bleach. *shrug* I don't see that as overly bad.

brendejafulable 41

Wait, how did your cat get in your dryer? Do you just leave it open with clothes in it?

Mine gave birth behind the dryer, atleast it was easy to get them out