By randomnamehere - 27/07/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, my brother decided it would be funny to squirt disappearing ink on my wedding dress right before I walked down the aisle. It didn't disappear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 817
You deserved it 3 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you think it's funny to put laxative in his food, right before he eats it.... Or before a big date. REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!


thelonelylurker 0

Bride rage!!!!! Keeeel heeeeem!!

And you spelled the version of AISLE wrong. That sucks.

jem1991 0
fmlcrycrycryfml 0

I can get you a really good deal on a knife set, biohazard-grade wet-vac, and coffin. This place I know sells them as a package.

seriously? this poor woman is talking about her RUINED wedding dress, on the day that's supposed to be the most amazing day of your life, and people are griping about her spelling aisle wrong? Considering the fact that the letters were in the right order, and just missing an 'a', it could be that she was typing too fast and missed that key. To the OP, that is terrible. My niece spilled black cherry kool-aid on my baby blue prom dress the day of prom, and that was devastating enough. I can't even imagine anything like that happening on my wedding day. Hopefully your husband thought you were beautiful anyways, and killed your brother for you

Oh my god!!!! The bastard! FYL, for sure....

ShortyBBangin 0

WOW...that sucks =( I would beat my brother til he was blue in the face if he ever did that to me!

tiges1 0