By Anonymous - 06/11/2018 14:00

Today, a mad woman squirted me with a water gun filled with paint as we were leaving the church where I just married my husband. As I was staring at this mad bitch in my ruined dress, wondering why she would do something so horrible, she ran off crying and shouting, "Sorry wrong wedding!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 501
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyRen 20

Get her info and make her pay for the dress.

At least you have a weird story to tell people in the future about the wedding Dont let batshit crazy paint gun woman ruin your day


ChromoTec 24

Sounds like a Fiasco! Or was it a Fresco?

Whatever it was, the woman sounds pentiment-al.

LadyRen 20

Get her info and make her pay for the dress.

How do you get the info of a random crazy person?

If security cameras were around, show the video around. Someone will most likely know who it is. Especially the intended target.

There's no guarantee the crazy lady was at the church on the right day, or even at the right church. And OP would have to hope their was CCTV around on the street, or nearby premises, because I've never known a church to install security cameras.

Count yourself lucky that her gun was loaded with paint and not bullets. You literally dodged a bullet with that one!

At least you have a weird story to tell people in the future about the wedding Dont let batshit crazy paint gun woman ruin your day

I don't know a single bride that would not have chased her ass down and beat her like a redheaded stepchild.

Insanegd 4

I'm trying to figure out on how people think she deserved this. Not as if she had enough time to react to her before getting shot.

bonsai 11

Sorry that happened to you I hope it didn’t ruin the day and that the rest of your day was lovely.

Ladies: don't be the paint-gun woman. It doesn't matter how angry you are at your baby-daddy for marrying someone else.

Even if the bride tried, the chances of catching the woman would have been slim based on the bride's attire (heels, long dress, etc). I am more surprised that no one attending the wedding went after the mad woman.