By randomnamehere - 27/07/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, my brother decided it would be funny to squirt disappearing ink on my wedding dress right before I walked down the aisle. It didn't disappear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 817
You deserved it 3 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you think it's funny to put laxative in his food, right before he eats it.... Or before a big date. REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!


mylifesucks82 0

kick the shit out of him for me will you??

learn to ******* spell you redneck hick, there is an a in the word aisle

silversky1024 0

Jeez, you're a ******* ********. How can you assume they're a "hick" by their grammar and/or by looking at their profile? You're just a ******* ********.

Freeport Texas is where douche bag hicks ******* live, deal with it your a hick too don't gang up on me, go gang up on your sister with your four white trash best friends before you come talking shit about me then your at least accomplishing something better than sitting around drinking and listening to country music all day, you underachieving ****.

FYL. Nothing you could do about that. :o( You said "little brother" so I suppose he's too young or too immature to understand that doing nasty things, or even pretending to do nasty things, to other people is just NOT funny? Guess he's learned something, but you paid the price for his lesson. Still - a marriage isn't defined by the bridal gown, so I'm guessing your husband still loves you and finds you beautiful. Just be thankful the little snot didn't think it would be funny to pretend to cut off one of your arms with a "fake" chainsaw... :o)

leave her alone. i go to school in a little town in the middle of nowhere and our teachers dont even talk with the right grammar so its not her fault and im sure you all have spelled something wrong once in your life!

alybally 0

OMG! That is just awful. If my brother ever did anything like that i would be SO INCREDIBLY PISSED. I hope everything worked out though......I'm so sorry!

Peacelover99 0

Wow, He wouldn't even be in my wedding anymore, much less been visited for about 3 years. I'm sorry. And I don't think this is fake, Shit like this happens. Expecally if you have a big family.

lunaxnueva 0

If you can't differentiate isle from aisle, I'd say you deserved it.

What the ****, she doesn't deserve it just because she made a small spelling mistake? Back off, grammar nazi.

sry, and she doesn't chose who she's related to. and congrats

You spelled "aisle" shouldn't even be getting married if you cannot correctly spell a word as simple as aisle.