By Rowden - 26/04/2010 09:58 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't lick the whipped cream I had on my nipples because "That stuff is full of calories." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 280
You deserved it 9 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luvmybby062308 0

You should've told him you two would burn it off in a couple minutes(;


sounds like your boyfriend has an over grown clit for a dick

Yeah, you might wanna find a different dude...

GAY rub some on a strap on and watch him eat it up

dude he probably just saw u doing it, then called you for ***** and giggles

I can understand if he didn't want the nips, but whipped cream? Come on man, no one can turn down whipped cream. That weirdo.

sparklies 0

YDI for having a gay boyfriend...

BandGeek8872 0

Wow, what the hell is wrong with him?