By ShouldBeSingleSoon - 26/03/2013 04:15 - United States - Lincoln

Today, my boyfriend, who moved in about a month ago, decided he wanted to move back out. Why? Because I don't keep my place clean enough for him. This, coming from the same man who refuses to wash or clean anything because "that's what women are for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 265
You deserved it 10 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Count your blessings that it only took a month of living together to find out what a douche canoe he is.


4thquarterclutch 0

Okay; so obviously not moment 4 life...

Let him go. Ultimately you want to be a wife and equal not a mother to a grown man

I'm a guy. He's a ******* asshole, and a disgrace to all guys. Dump his ass.

anubisismylife 9

You're better off without him in your house. He appears to be a sexist idiot.

TcheQ 12

Dafuq OP. YDI, for hanging out with a loser

WickedFan 12

Oh, hell no! That sexist, pig Dump him, kill him, and disrespect his family

elizacandle 29