By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told my roommate about a trick he had used by filling nail holes with toothpaste when he moved out. When I came home with putty to fill the holes, there were blue spots all over the walls. She had filled them with blue gel toothpaste. Now I get to repaint, too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 735
You deserved it 3 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

assassinated 0

Just dig out the toothpaste and fill it the right way

I don't know...maybe I'm just slow, but wouldn't you have had to repaint after using putty, anyway?


LMAO!! Your roommate is a complete idiot.. but ydi for trying to do it the cheap way

How the hell does she deserve it? She didn't try to get it cheap, she even went to buy some putty, not her fault her boyfriend is a cheapo and her roommate's brain turned off for some reason. @OP: FYL, but I must admit I laughed. A lot.

haha ok.. my fault.. I would say make your roommate do all the work but that might prove to cost you more in the long run bc she is a tool

ElliexMarie 0

HAAA . I would fuckkk that bitch up ! xD

DeadMansCrack 4

I'm confused. How does blue gel toothpaste work differently from regular toothpaste?

it doesnt. but the walls were white. so the blue toothpaste made little blue spots everywhere

lol @ 21! Apparently they share the roommates lack of intelligence

plain white toothpaste would blend in and blue gel wouldnt harden well enough

myfishisBOBA 0

HAHAHA you're roommate is an idiot. It has to be white! I did that too it worked wonderfully. fyl

My thoughts exactly, having a retard for a roomate sucks. FYL

I agree.. what a retard!!! I'm surprised the roommate didn't realise after filling in the first hole with blue toothpaste that she was doing something wrong

assassinated 0

Just dig out the toothpaste and fill it the right way

greenltrn2003 0

If its dried and the OP dug it out, then she would have to re-plaster AND repaint the walls There's no easy way out of this.

yeah shortcuts.. almost always involve more work.. that's pretty gross bc toothpaste is sweet and sticky and would think it would attract bugs after a while...

greenltrn2003 0

lol thats the next persons problem

tpag3r 0

chances are if its a nail hole then they didnt completly fill it with toothpaste so id just poke the nail back in there to get the blue out then do the putty or whatever

i dont think its that easy. it pribably already harden and it already made spots

notapplicable123 0

Specifications are your friends.

lovelylady123 0

boy do u no how to pick them

its ok painting walls is funn especially if its creative.... ur life isnt screwd forever look on the bright side he could have painted part of the wall black or something....

luveyew4ev 0

Hmm. That's pretty smart. Ill have to fill my walls in with white toothpaste when I leavee.

No, your stupid **** of a roommate gets to do the painting. She ****** up, she gets to fix it.

I don't know...maybe I'm just slow, but wouldn't you have had to repaint after using putty, anyway?