By Anonymous - 02/05/2017 21:00 - Italy - Rome

Today, we had a new babysitter coming over to the house and my kids were a bit anxious, so I asked her to send me a message telling me how it went. At around 10, I received a message saying, “it’s going alright. Both kids are in bed.” I have three children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 540
You deserved it 455

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Once I was babysitting for a family that lived next to my cousin and her kids. My older sister usually babysat for them but was away at school. I knew they had a son around age 4 (age of my cousins oldest kid) however I did not know they had a newer baby as well. When I got there the mom asked me to read to the older son and put him to bed while she finished getting ready to go meet her husband. It wasn't until like 20 minutes later as her and I walked downstairs when she was about to leave that something she said indicated they had another kid. I was so confused but didn't say anything. Then she said that the baby shouldn't wake up during the night but if he did he's easy to put back down. Scariest thing ever to realize that I hadn't known there were 2 kids and might now have known had she not said that.


Once I was babysitting for a family that lived next to my cousin and her kids. My older sister usually babysat for them but was away at school. I knew they had a son around age 4 (age of my cousins oldest kid) however I did not know they had a newer baby as well. When I got there the mom asked me to read to the older son and put him to bed while she finished getting ready to go meet her husband. It wasn't until like 20 minutes later as her and I walked downstairs when she was about to leave that something she said indicated they had another kid. I was so confused but didn't say anything. Then she said that the baby shouldn't wake up during the night but if he did he's easy to put back down. Scariest thing ever to realize that I hadn't known there were 2 kids and might now have known had she not said that.

Lobby_Bee 17

Did you check your purse? One of them could of crawled in it before you left home. I have read stories of that happening.

Uh oh! What happened to the third one?

Oh no, another one of those cannibal babysitters. What is the world coming to?

you have got to come back here and let us know about the 3rd one!

is the youngest still a baby? if so maybe the baby was awake.

Don't be so harsh - two out of three ain't bad!

"What happened to the third child?!" "He's dead. We ate him for dinner!"