By Anonymous - 13/10/2015 07:35 - United States - Davis

Today, my boyfriend told me that he doesn't know why I think deepthroating is so uncomfortable. To prove his point, he grabbed my dildo and effortlessly slid it down his throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 930
You deserved it 6 169

Same thing different taste


Sathane 21
pacman490 21

I can brush the back of my tongue without ****

bunnylady08 13

he's obviously had more practice than you.

ummm your bf sounds kinda suspect, just saying

You gotta like put your tongue at the back of your throat, so it blocks that little hangy-ball thing... and always breathe through your nose :) Just takes practice. You'll get there OP

I had an ex that did something similar, but it wasn't deepthroating - it was anal.