By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 687
You deserved it 12 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

steve247 2
orgasm_blush 4

Hmmm. How old are you guys I feel like that might play a big part in this.


JinxosGirl87 0

He knows where it is, he just doesn't want to let you know because you'll pester him to touch it all the time.

It's not hard. I've never understood how people miss it. My guess is people who "can't find it" don't like going down on women, which is also something I can't understand. In either case, find a new man.

44skull44 6
foxmatrix15 8

Not to be rude on basis of looking shallow but some women are big and it takes a few minutes to find it. I know both aspects

When I make love to you, I need an expedition crew.

justme0003 6

oh honey...forgive him..he's just an elementary student and ure in college...what are u expecting? lmao