By skiittlez713 - 20/05/2011 08:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend refused to go down on me because I smelled of baby lotion and it made him feel like a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 300
You deserved it 16 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

Are you sure it wasn't the fully shaved look combined with the Dora the explorer panties?


Hahahaahahahahahah. oh my gosh. this is hilarious!!!!

Scent is pretty powerful. I understand his reluctance. Stop using baby lotion.

monnanon 13

Don't worry OP some people just don't like the smell maybe he just used such a strong excuse so you wouldn't force the issue. As someone else said he may have young siblings or cousins who are still slathered in baby lotion and the association is wierd for him. Don't worry just take the baby lotion hate under advisement for next time.

silentblack 0

most of the females wear baby lotion. if he got it in his mind that he's a molester when he smell baby lotion, then he is one of two things...he's a molester or he's gay. I'm just saying.

frostymug18 1

either u suck in bed u have three rolls of fat hanging over ur snatch and he didnt feel like holding them out the way or hes gay..................