Trust issues

By George - 01/04/2022 16:00

Today, the only woman in my life who has been honest with me and will give me a straight answer is iPhone’s Siri. FML
I agree, your life sucks 712
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be very unlucky. I find many women who give me a straight-up NO right away. No way, not even close, hard pass.

Welcome to the world. Siri is about the only person, man or woman, who will give you a straight answer, and even she either doesn’t know her shit half the time or is a corporate shill.


Welcome to the world. Siri is about the only person, man or woman, who will give you a straight answer, and even she either doesn’t know her shit half the time or is a corporate shill.

You must be very unlucky. I find many women who give me a straight-up NO right away. No way, not even close, hard pass.

Wadlaen 23