By skiittlez713 - 20/05/2011 08:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend refused to go down on me because I smelled of baby lotion and it made him feel like a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 300
You deserved it 16 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

Are you sure it wasn't the fully shaved look combined with the Dora the explorer panties?


dj2k14 0

are you serious? does he work at a fish factory.

well it's better than him liking little children like that.

well thats not that bad... he could have said you need to clean up

better than actually being a child molester

barbiiee_fml 0

maybe she just got out the shower, freshly shaved, put lotion all over & the smell just so happened to go there. is it her fault she wants to be clean ? Haha!

But but I always put baby lotion on my whoha after I shave it. ;-)

you guys are ridiculous. she didn't say IT smelled like baby OIL, she said she did. plus if you're having sex you're not sniffing down there the whole time. don't be assholes and tell her to wash or use vagisil, some people use baby lotion on their bodies for sensitive skin. same with baby shampoo. assholes.

I believe this is what really happened. 