By skiittlez713 - 20/05/2011 08:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend refused to go down on me because I smelled of baby lotion and it made him feel like a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 300
You deserved it 16 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

Are you sure it wasn't the fully shaved look combined with the Dora the explorer panties?


Daviddwd 0

at least u no he's not a priest

use some soap or house spray so your v spot don't smell like a kid

MyReinvention55 7

what an idiot he is and I would be glad to

wanna_bee 8

Surprised that no one mentioned the obvious, he's either saying it makes home feel like a child molester bc be doent like it like that or he hiding a secret life of child molestation from you and is scared to let it out in front of you. Lol.