By Anonymous - 24/04/2011 23:49 - United States

Today, while skiing on Mammoth Mountain, a man dressed in an Easter Bunny costume snowboarded into me and sent me flying. Not only did he hurt my wrist, he also threw an Easter egg at me, yelled "Happy Easter", and snowboarded away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 045
You deserved it 4 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m sorry to say it OP, but it seems that you have smoked too much. Please wake up and explain again what happened.


DanDanGoesRawr 0
ceinaworus 0

it was obviously a yeti. not a person. gosh.

F14Shado 0

the Easter bunny is winning. OP is failing.

BurtonX56 0

I woulda shit a brick or an easter egg!

thts ******* the best thing ever thtguy is such a badass

Hitting other people on the slopes is barely a skill. OP - go get him and make some bunny stew

LuckyLogic 0

Ski after him and humped him like a bunny.

BooGhosted 0

that doesn't surprise me coming from someone with that picture haha

you got a compensatory easter egg. that pretty much never happens when i get hurt :(

i agree. i usually just fall and eat shit when snowboarding.... i wish i had gotten some easter eggs to soothe my wounds


no that was the pagen bunny.

Airborn0280 18
Airborn0280 18

There's a button call You totally deserved it.

I’m sorry to say it OP, but it seems that you have smoked too much. Please wake up and explain again what happened.