By fml_for_real - 04/02/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend to ravish me. He told me he would rather play PS3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 267
You deserved it 6 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure he wasn't having sex with the PS3?

What is with people saying "you obviously aren't good in bed" or "he isn't into you"?? Why is he her boyfriend then!? And to be honest, he has a right to not be in the mood for sex, it kind of depends on how often he seems to prefer his ps3..


Are you sure he wasn't having sex with the PS3?

Just like the commercial says: "it only does everything".

Reminds me of some quotes from Superbad... Perhaps you should work on your dick taking abilites? Or does he suck dick at ****** pussy?

Dr_Phil 0

i agree with #26. for god's sake, just buy a vibrator and wait till he feels like it. you deserved that oneee.

What is with people saying "you obviously aren't good in bed" or "he isn't into you"?? Why is he her boyfriend then!? And to be honest, he has a right to not be in the mood for sex, it kind of depends on how often he seems to prefer his ps3..

my ex used to play pokemon while we were together.. i would sit there and watch tv.

wicked_fml 0

It's time to get a new boyfriend.

LinkToEverything 0

today I got the feeling that you guys were more worried about his freaking game console then you were about this person. Thats what got us into the mess in the first place