By lexyloo - 26/09/2011 01:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend preferred to delete his account than admit we are in a relationship on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 520
You deserved it 5 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

People won't even be able to find the relationship status with the new crappy interface!

So he's embarrassed of you? I think you need a new boyfriend.


Just broke up with him. I did the same thing as him before, because the girl I dated out of sympathy forced me to change relationship status while I was also dating with 2 other girls so I closed my FB instead. Who would want to date a person who keeps bossing around forcing people to do things?

The__Redneck 7

You poor, poor guy. Our hearts bleed with sympathy.

nollid7 5

F$$k Facebook Seriously! As quoted by South Park lol. Ppl need to know there's more to life than letting everyone of their friends see they took a huge crap after a sandwich they ate for lunch. Who the F$$k cares.

mysterious_chan 7

Is facebook all that important? Seriously though- what a dick. Tell him he's one too.

SolemnlyLove 7

why put up with someone thats somewhat embarrassed of you? You want to put with this shit then YDI

my gf lives on her fb and is doing the same thing I see why a guy would do it so what are a womens motives?

i had a bf that did that, then i found out it was cuz he was sleeping with a girl on his fb...

Don't consider yourself his girlfriend, he's cheating on you.. Next...

tell him you'll withhold sex and tell all the women in your area he cheated on you with a fat man until he sings a musical number in a crowded city center about his love for you. if he breaks up with you, ignore him, he's an ass. if he does it, he's amazing. and inconsistent.

Maybe he just thinks facebook is stupid like every other sane person in the world GOOGLE+ :3!!!