By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 15:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of three months told me that he had cheated on me two months ago with my best friend. I decided to give him a second chance. About twenty minutes later, he then broke up with me for not wanting to watch football. Apparently I don't care about his feelings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 794
You deserved it 12 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'd already cheated on you when you'd been going out for only a month and you actually think it won't happen again?!? How can girls be so naive?

FYLDeep 25

Maybe he was making shit up to get out of the relationship.


mimii92_fml 0

ydi for giving him a second chance after he cheated on you

goodlike_fml 0

you sound like a friend of me she never give up on her dumbaass bf ;)

c8750 2

I hope you meant ex-best friend.

sexygummybear13 0

shouldn't have given him another chance. don't be a pushover!

awesome best friend and boy friend you hot there

what a dick. you should have dumped him to begin with

hitsurogi 0

that sucks, but ydi for staying with a guy that cheated on you, that's a dumb move. just br glad he didn't cheat on you again I guess.