Coherence dude, do you have it?

By Anonymous - 04/11/2020 20:03 - United States - Herndon

Today, I learned that my best friend has been cheating on his girlfriend for 2 months. This is the same person who, 2 months ago, wanted to break our friendship off because he thought we "got too close" and felt like he was cheating on his girlfriend by spending too much time with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 073
You deserved it 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like he needed to cut u out so he would have the time to cheat and probably told his girlfriend he was hanging out with u.

He chose real cheating over what "feels like" cheating.


He chose real cheating over what "feels like" cheating.

Looks like he needed to cut u out so he would have the time to cheat and probably told his girlfriend he was hanging out with u.

that's a jerk move towards both the girlfriend and the OP.

frontblunt333 1

ppl that cheat usually think the people they are with must be the same maybe he was afraid his girl would cheat w you and cut you out bc he was using how he would act as his moral compass

That ain't a best friend, that's a ****. And you're a shit friend for not putting him straight