By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 12:53 - New Zealand

Today, my boyfriend of nearly two years broke up with me because he's sick of me being annoyed at him. Why am I annoyed at him? Because he wants to go and spend a week with his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 572
You deserved it 5 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I'd be annoyed if I were you too.

Then kick his ass, instead of being annoyed with him. I would have dumped his ass if my boyfriend ever even thought of doing that.


he was looking to get out he would have said anything! you're obviously way better off x

bamfxd 4

Wow people can really annoying.

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6
Mischief5Managed 0

I would've asked to tag along and spend time with her too. Freak out the boyfriend and confuse him.

im a guy and im not even stupid enough to ask that.

a_traveler 5

Apparently New Zealand is where I need to be to find a good commitment minded girl. Where I'm from all the women are still good friend's with their ex's and they don't understand why I don't see any of mine.