By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 12:53 - New Zealand

Today, my boyfriend of nearly two years broke up with me because he's sick of me being annoyed at him. Why am I annoyed at him? Because he wants to go and spend a week with his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 572
You deserved it 5 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I'd be annoyed if I were you too.

Then kick his ass, instead of being annoyed with him. I would have dumped his ass if my boyfriend ever even thought of doing that.


My_3_Musketeers 0

Sounds like an excuse so he won't feel bad for cheating. What an ass clown I'm sorry to hear that OP.

a_nutritionist 10

possible situation: they were attending a compulsory work function for a week. now tell me shes in the right. might wanna get your facts together before you go making such definitive calls wouldnt you say?

august 10th is my 2 years, I sure hope my boyfriend doesn't get "annoyed" with me?

MerrikBarbarian 9

Hes a dick, go shoot paintballs at him, then all is forgiven, and you can find someone else thats a man and not a puss lol

HAHA! It's because you live in Gissy! Leave! I did - best move I ever made.

correction, he broke up with you to go spend a week with his ex!