By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 12:53 - New Zealand

Today, my boyfriend of nearly two years broke up with me because he's sick of me being annoyed at him. Why am I annoyed at him? Because he wants to go and spend a week with his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 572
You deserved it 5 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I'd be annoyed if I were you too.

Then kick his ass, instead of being annoyed with him. I would have dumped his ass if my boyfriend ever even thought of doing that.


Like I said in my other comment, I didn't believe that I was in the right state of mind, and I wanted us to be able to try and talk and sort things out when we were calm

i just get the feeling there's a bit more to this... such as, spending time with her and twenty others at a conference perhaps. maybe you're just too easily annoyed. Just a thought

oh well just saw the comment above mine now

Oh, I thought he was Tom! (I'm horribly sorry, but I couldn't resist.)

LibraLove 0

sweety! yu need to watch "HallPass" and let him go.

The ****? I stay with my ex for weeks at a time, doesn't mean we're having hardcore sex behind my gf's back! Is it now illegal to be friends with your ex? YDI for being a tight arse, OP.

You dated Chris too? :o Seriously, good choice, and don't take him back. You deserve better than that.

Kehaulani1994 0