By chels - 10/12/2012 07:47 - United States - Youngstown

Today, my boyfriend got done with Marine combat training. The first thing he asked for weren't pictures of me but pictures of his car. Missed you too babe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 233
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wagne057 6

Send him revealing pictures of his car, with you on it.

hockeychicl003 6

some guys have weird obsessions with cars. That's the way my dad is.


urbangiraffe 3

Don't worry my bf would probably do the same...damn cars

RedPillSucks 31

I'm in love with my car. Gotta feel for my automobile.

I like the rhyme and rhythym of that second one :)

Hey, he's just saving the best for last! That's one way to look at it:)

Maybe he was talking it up to his friends and wanted them to see it

Men and cars: the love that dare not speak it's name. You know what else I don't get? Why they seem to have this uncontrollable impulse to blare their car horn at women. "Yes, I'm on the sidewalk, and you're in a car. NOW LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE!!!!"

... Is there a therapist on this site? 40 may require your services...

You know, I hate to admit this, (looking at death by thumbing, I know it!), but I don't get car obsessions. Not one bit. :p Granted, I think some cars look nicer than others and I do perform some of my own repairs being in a mechanical field and all.....but it's still just a car, no different to me than any other useful tool that serves a purpose. And I'd never put any Thing above my loved ones, but maybe I'm just not very materialistic. :p Weird though: if I hadn't seen my wife in months, I'd be sorely missing her...

perdix 29

Butt pictures can be nice. Throw in some tit pics, too, ok? Worry if he wants butt pictures of your brother. He might have learned BOHICA in Marine training a bit too literally.

Don't get jealous of his car named "Christine"! She'll lock you inside her and kill you slowly while playing static music!

It all depends on what kind of car it is.... If it's his dream car....I'd understand.. If it's a piece of shit.. Nope!

It's not that he doesn't miss you. Marines are trained in boot camp that you will cheat on him and **** around. My fiancée went through it also. It is pushed into thier heads that you will cheat and you won't be home when they come home. Which happens way more then you think.