By Shelly P. - 29/01/2012 00:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me twelve roses and told me that he would love me until the last one dies. Remembering the Facebook like, I began looking for the fake one but couldn't find it. When I pointed out that all twelve were real and would die within days, he responded, "Exactly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 522
You deserved it 3 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shelbyyyyyyy 4
bbedlock_fml 7

That's an, um, creative way to break up with someone.


skyeyez9 24

Why do people have to be complete assholes when breaking up? Why not just tell him/her that you arent compatible and should break up. Dont be jerks about it.

purpleheartzz 5

think about this . . you have roses . . he has an unbeaten by roses head . . challenge accepted(:

What a douche. Better than some break-ups, only by the fact that it was in person, but still needs to man-up - without being cruel.

Keep them healthy so he loves you, forever.

iknoright 0

hang them upside down to dry. they last forever.

Be glad your boyfriends sweet enough to even get you roses

Just because it happens on facebook doesn't mean it's gonna happen in real life

sammiedee735 0

My ex broke up with me on a message on Facebook a least this way was a little more original

sugardoll72 0

You do realize, that the same thing would happen, only quicker with a fake one? The fake one was already dead.... Be happy, you have more time than other people XD

Aveira 4

How can it be dead if it was never alive to begin with?

Something that was never alive can't die, genius.

eviannastorm 4

Wow... At least it's an expensive breakup.... Roses are expensive >.