Don't know, don't care

By Anonymous - 29/07/2021 00:01

Today, I realised that if I died, no one would care. I know this because when I called my partner distressed last night, he told me he needed to sleep and hung up in less than 45 seconds, and a friend told me to call lifeline. I haven’t heard from either of them since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 106
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need better people in your life. I contacted my best friend at 3am because I was having a bad night and he sat there and talked to me until I calmed down enough to sleep. find people who help bring you up, not down

I can kinda relate. Idk what happened to my circle. Almost nobody calls, texts or asks me to hang out anymore. Perhaps it's a combination of this pandemic and naturally growing away from people. Life constantly moves and evolves no matter how you view it. That may be a sign that it's time you found a new partner and new friends.


I can kinda relate. Idk what happened to my circle. Almost nobody calls, texts or asks me to hang out anymore. Perhaps it's a combination of this pandemic and naturally growing away from people. Life constantly moves and evolves no matter how you view it. That may be a sign that it's time you found a new partner and new friends.

I think you need better people in your life. I contacted my best friend at 3am because I was having a bad night and he sat there and talked to me until I calmed down enough to sleep. find people who help bring you up, not down

Aw, honey, you just need an Attention John. How are you doing? Cheer up. You got this. I'm here for you. Carpe diem. YOLO. So, what are you wearing? How was your day? You deserve better. You deserve the best!

bleachedraven 14

yep, get friends you deserve & a new attitude

is this a normal thing? people tend to get numb to these sorts of things if a person talks about it a ton. I recommend calling a phone line or a therapist.

I am very sorry that you are in distress and you couldn’t find someone to listen and encourage you. But be aware that dealing with serious depression or mental illness is not something most laypeople are able or willing to do. If you have a mental health issue you need professional help. If by “partner” you meant a close relationship such as a lover, then you need to find a better one. If by “partner” you meant a work associate such as a partner in a business firm you need to remember that a work relationship is not there for your personal needs - That’s what close relatives and close friends are for. Also remember that even close personal relationships are give and take - If you are always the needy one in the relationship and are not equally supporting the other person then they will eventually tune you out. It takes a professional to deal with that level of emotional and mental health needs.

Find a better partner and a new bestie. Mine turns up in the middle of the night for me at the drop of a hat even if she has to bundle all 3 of her kids in the car. You deserve the same thing!