By botheredgf - 09/11/2010 12:02 - New Zealand

Today, my boyfriend drunkenly decided to let his friends cut his hair into a mullet. He won't change it. I'm supposed to introduce him to my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 583
You deserved it 4 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk about this with your boyfriend first. Be sure to... *puts on sunglasses* Mullet over a bit.

you should give yourself a matching mullet!


giantsfan2010 23

I make that mistake all the time!

DudeImBetter 0

one of my friends teachers said they would give anyone who grows a mullet an a for the whole year.

sourgirl101 28

#1 I thought you were first trying to say that's how they wear it in the "hood"(: i always spell it fir instead of for by mistake

So if you take him over with a mullet, they won't like him. if you explain WHY he got the mullet, they'll dislike him for being a drunk alcoholic, and a bad influence on you. Dude, you're SCREWED. lol(:

stephanie0613 0

If you didn't care the way he looked with his hair like that I doubt your parents would have. YDI it shouldn't matter how his hair is.

just tell them it's no shave November. they'll understand.

I don't think Movember applies to bad haircuts.

Or get him drunk again and see if he'll agree to another haircut. In order to have a mullet, doesn't he already have to have longish hair? From your family's point of view, the mullet might not be that much worse.

Hahahhha people do some crazy shit wen their drunk! LOL have funn introducing him to your family! good luck! your gonna need it! :)

Talk about this with your boyfriend first. Be sure to... *puts on sunglasses* Mullet over a bit.

giantsfan2010 23

Blame it on the a-a-a-alcohol baby.

This joke was okay when you said it, but now it isn't

Hahahah that's awesome. just cut it off when he's sleeping