Make your mind up

By Anonymous - 07/05/2021 22:00

Today, my ex was talking about getting back together. I say I’d be willing to talk and ask him to explain what he wants from me, to see if there’s any common ground, but he replied, "I just mention something and you immediately attack me with this emo crap! I already regret even thinking about it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 913
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mickymoose1 15

You might want to think about just removing him from your life. It doesn't sound like you'd have a very healthy relationship or friendship and from my experience, people like that often end up being emotionally abusive at the least.

Jessika Jensen 7

Move on. This screams abuse, and toxicity.


mickymoose1 15

You might want to think about just removing him from your life. It doesn't sound like you'd have a very healthy relationship or friendship and from my experience, people like that often end up being emotionally abusive at the least.

Sounds like he wants a relationship that has no emotional ties or work on his part. Block his ass and move on. Well I guess he is an ass, so just block all of him.

Jessika Jensen 7

Move on. This screams abuse, and toxicity.

Ambrily 27

Get away from his toxic ass, OP. He is your ex for a reason, after all. Let him stay where he is.