Lockdown fashion

By Anonymous - 18/09/2020 18:01 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my partner got a lockdown haircut. He now has a mullet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 049
You deserved it 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you help them get rid of the "party in the back?"

possibly as a laugh? I work with plenty of people growing out long hair, guys put it in pigtails, doing up weird facial hairs. all purely for something to laugh about on a daily basis. I think people are just at a poi t any reason to laugh and hair is an easy reason to laugh


Mathalamus 24

How is that bad. Hairstyles don’t matter.

Why don't you help them get rid of the "party in the back?"

Frankly, I would vote YDI, but I'm not sure you deserve gazing upon that beautiful haircut (I'm kidding)

possibly as a laugh? I work with plenty of people growing out long hair, guys put it in pigtails, doing up weird facial hairs. all purely for something to laugh about on a daily basis. I think people are just at a poi t any reason to laugh and hair is an easy reason to laugh