By FML - 04/09/2015 16:27 - United States - Maricopa

Today, I took my boyfriend to a family dinner. It went well, until my dad got drunk and started telling everyone about how "midgets" are assholes and are ruining America. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 698
You deserved it 1 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not something he should've said, however I'm sure your boyfriend will understand that you can't be held responsible for your father's ignorance. Sorry about your dinner, OP!


Geckosrock99 33

Really? He didn't even bother to get to know your boyfriend, OP...

I am assuming #1 is implying that OP's boyfriend is a midget and is making a joke at that.

Definitely not something he should've said, however I'm sure your boyfriend will understand that you can't be held responsible for your father's ignorance. Sorry about your dinner, OP!

I hope your boyfriend doesn't take your dad too seriously. Your dad is drunk after all.

a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

Badkarma4u 17

I dont know about that, dude. There are plenty of women I did not think were remotely good looking sober, but were dimes when I was goggled up.

Maybe next time dad should monitor his drinking

Monitor? Someone should give this guy more. He's pure comedy gold.

Someone always makes an ass of themselves at family dinners. Don't sweat it too much.

Your family must comprise a lot of assholes...

Yay, a new conspiracy theory! Just what we need!

That really sucks! But I have to give your dad some cred, I've never heard that one before!