By wtf - 26/08/2012 05:03 - New Zealand - Invercargill

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me by picture, during a game of Draw Something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 342
You deserved it 2 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Looks like you're out of the picture.

I guess he didn't want a long, drawn out break up. Just a drawn out one.


Talk about having no balls are you sure he wasn't your girlfriend?

sweetmama88 6

Sorry to say it , at least he did it in person instead of facebook. I hope you find the right person someday .

Please, explain how using an app for your phone is in person.

sweetmama88 6

Hey 64 most people break up on Facebook , because the azz can't say it to her face! So even though he broke up with her

sweetmama88 6

Sorry didn't realize it was a app!

Yeah I know that, my friends dumbass fiancé left him over Facebook after being together for 6 years, and yes, it's an app, actually a very popular app. You should try it if you have a smart phone, it's pretty wicked! Lol

What did he draw? Hopefully it was clever, not just words

KiddNYC1O 20

Agh, and to think people are nudging me as we speak...

The question is what did u draw back

flutter4 7

Your relationship didn't sound very serious if he ended it that way

nikshy2329 0
venomousddog 19

I think we're all wondering what the picture was, but either way sorry to hear about your boyfriend

venomousddog 19

Edit- I just realized my mistake in that comment sorry