By Quelestvotreprobleme? - 29/03/2013 09:14 - Turquie - Ankara

Today, I checked in at a hotel, got the keys and went up to my room. However, there seemed to be a problem, so I went back to the front desk. “Excuse me, but there’s already someone in my room!” The reply I got was, “So, what’s the problem?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 700
You deserved it 50

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Did you accidentally book a room at a hostel? :')

If this was just a mistake on their part, I don't understand how they can be so ignorant. We have a family business of a motel and this happened to us a couple of times due to miscommunication and we were so embarrassed because of it and apologized a lot. The last thing we would do is show a bad attitude or ignore it when the mistake was clearly ours. It's a business and the customers are doing US a favor by coming to us instead of our competitors.


Did you accidentally book a room at a hostel? :')

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#4, a hostel tends to have shared rooms (double rooms and large travel groups aside) as opposed to a hotel where you book the room with the idea of it being only you and your traveling companion(s).

If this was just a mistake on their part, I don't understand how they can be so ignorant. We have a family business of a motel and this happened to us a couple of times due to miscommunication and we were so embarrassed because of it and apologized a lot. The last thing we would do is show a bad attitude or ignore it when the mistake was clearly ours. It's a business and the customers are doing US a favor by coming to us instead of our competitors.

it sounds to me the way the FML was written that it is policy in their country/area to put strangers together in the same hotel room

Oh, one of *those* hotels, I see. Have fun. ;)

The vindictive side of me says you should've looked around his desk for food or drink, grabbed it without asking and taken a big bite. When he says, "What the hell? That's my sandwich!" simply reply, "So, what's the problem?" The germaphobe side of me says forget what I just said.

I am rather curious as to how the situation played out after this.

I hope you clarified, and if they still didn't fix it I hope you raised Cain and got a refund and went to another hotel and gave the other one a horrible review.

Was it your butler? I've heard you get one at the fancy hotels.

that was your evening entertainment lol