By Anonymous - 08/06/2016 19:26 - Belgium - Overijse

Today, a friend pointed out to me that my girlfriend of 5 years looks a bit like my mom. She does, and I can't get it out of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 883
You deserved it 1 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what, Oedipus was a happy man. Well, until the part where he blinded himself. But seriously, it's pretty common to marry someone like your opposite-sex parent. Unless it truly makes you uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry.

MetalxSoldier 26

There is a lot of people who date someone that has similar traits or characteristics of their parents subconsciously. As long as you love each other, that's all that matters.


You never noticed that yourself? But still FYL

Well it took the friend 5 years to point that out. I doubt OP or anyone for that matter would want to come across a similarity like that. Well there is a select few, but there's a dark place on FML for them

i never knew why i liked melisandre from game of throns so much until my mother pointed out she looks a lot like my now ex girlfriend. once it was brought to my attention i felt stupid for not noticing the obvious

You know what, Oedipus was a happy man. Well, until the part where he blinded himself. But seriously, it's pretty common to marry someone like your opposite-sex parent. Unless it truly makes you uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry.

It's pretty common? Not where I'm from.

MetalxSoldier 26

There is a lot of people who date someone that has similar traits or characteristics of their parents subconsciously. As long as you love each other, that's all that matters.

spinster5 17

Totally agree, except you should have said "there ARE."

Now you just need to decide whose reconstructed face surgery you're going to pay for.

Well if she looks like your mom then you should probably start dating people your own age. Jokes aside, just ignore it if she is that special to you.

SteveDudleyUK 10

99.9% of women turn into their moms. So I suggest you look at your girlfriends mom and imagine what life would be like living with someone who looks like that in another 25 years. Though if I had believed that 25 years ago I doubt I would have got married. Now she looks very similar to what her own mom did. Thank goodness she doesn't have same personality as her own mom did. I am just replacing one creepy image with another arn't I? I hope your dad isn't a fat, bald, drunk because your girl might be having some uncomfortable thoughts of her own.

Is your mother nice? And if she is or isn't is your girlfriend nice and if she is like hot isn't that even better like she is probably an amazing person don't get worked up over it

It's actually very common to look for similarities to your parents in your partner. Especially if you have a good relationship with your mother, it's neither surprising nor wrong to have a girlfriend who might be alike to her. And if you've been together for 5 years everything else seems to be alright, so don't worry about it.

i always wondered why i have the hots for melisandre, then my mother pointed out she looks a looot like my ex