By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning how to spend the day together. When I suggested we start off with some fun in bed, then get some pizza and play his favorite video game, he sighed, "Can't we just go straight to gaming?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 026
You deserved it 8 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.


My god, we have found the perfect woman!

eaglerob 20

More girls need to be like you.

I feel for you, OP. Sadly, game addiction is nowadays often stronger than sex drive. You planned a perfect day.

You shouldn't have mentioned the gaming till after

Your boyfriend is an ungrateful bitch OP, sorry!

NagainaFier 16

You're completely right! How dare he not put out on command! Real men are like stallions! Ready to mount at the slightest hint from their lady! Or are you pissed about him turning down the pizza? Because I completely understand, if that's the case.

finch01 18

yes, if it starts in bed...

... There are a lot of people here who apparently think that all guys will want sex over anything else all the time. This is not true at all. Besides, we don't know what the situation is between OP and the boyfriend. Maybe this happens often, maybe they had already had sex the night before and the guy just didn't feel like going at it again so soon. Either way, everyone here is judging way too harshly. If the situation were reversed, and it was the girl turning down the guy for sex, would it then be the girl who was ungrateful?

I'm guessing your old or you suck at sex? Because most young guys want to have sex every single day. We never get sick of it. Ha

Exactly. Maybe he'd just rather play games right now. Is that really so strange? It makes me wonder what the average age of FML's commenters are. :/

FMLs like this get posted all the time: "Today, I wanted to have sex, but my boyfriend said he would rather play video games. FML." That's the gist of these common FMLs anyway. It's just the details that vary. Anyway, people always post comments like yours: "Guys aren't always horny, you know. He shouldn't have to put out whenever you want him to." I think most people understand that, but it's still disappointing when you're in the mood and your partner turns you down, especially when it's in favor of something as trivial as video games, or TV, or alcohol, or a book, or what have you.

NagainaFier 16

...I'm getting really tired of snarking all the idiots who think men should putting out on command like a breeding stallion. Oh well. You're an idiot. Obvious context clues to indicate he's likely hit puberty aside, fact of the matter is, sometimes he might not feel like it. Lack of sex drive is nothing to bitch about. Lack of desire for pizza, on the other hand... And let's say you're correct about him not hitting puberty; does he really even have any business having sex at that age anyway?